Mighty Attack
This is raw Power, so try to get maximum level as fast as possible
Get it to stage 6 (5 with an energetic mask) to reduce the cooldown

1st Priority

We are using Double Cut often, this allows us to get higher DPS
Extra Force
This will increase the power buff uptime by Force talent

2nd Priority

Mighty Defense
We can always use higher Endurance to sustain received DMG
This will increase the the Crit Power for some seconds

3rd Priority




Team oriented gameplay
If we are playing in a coordinated team, we can choose this glyph build. You and your teammates standing in the AoE will automatically iframe attacks within the next 3 seconds.

Skip mechanics
With the Purple Smoke Bomb you can easily skip boss mechanics, like in Red Refuge when Argog bend down and stuns all who arent iframing. Use this glyph build, to still deal DMG while BAMs are doing mechanics which could interrupt your rotation.

Purple Smoke Bomb

Purple Smoke Bomb Glyphs

Increase DMG
Increase your damage to the maximum to get even more out of your skills. You can use this glyph build, if you want to deal 10% more damage the next 5 seconds after using your red Smoke Bomb.
This can be handy for your Apex skills :>

No one but me
With this glyph build we are getting alot more damage for our core rotation, but sadly we are losing the iframe ability within our Smoke Bomb skill. So keep in mind when using the Red Smoke Bomb that you will receive a nice DMG buff, but you and your team will not automatically iframe the next seconds.

Red Smoke Bomb

Red Smoke Bomb Glyphs